Create new application

The _Create new application_ menu option lists all the grant types for which you can currently apply. These are also displayed in the right column of your [#22,dashboard] page.

The application forms are self explanatory, but the following resources are useful:

* [#26,Application process] outlines the steps between submitting your application and being advised of the outcome.

* [#27,Guides for application types] should be read *before* completing your application form.


Application form


*A * The top menu provides direct access to other parts of the CMRF portal.

*B * The page header shows the application's current status and associated information that depends on that status - such as the date by which submission is required, or the size of the grant the application has been awarded. This section of the application form also has the _History_ button, which displays the steps through which the application has so far passed.

*C * When you first create an application, you're asked to check that the personal details for your CMRF portal account are correct. Incorrect details may impact the processing of your application.

*D * The _Guidelines_ section contains a _general help_ link to this page, and a link to _specific guidelines_ which depend on the application type.


Managing your application

The bottom of each application form has a set of buttons. The available buttons vary depending on the status of your application.

uri/../images/printpdf.pngThe *Print* button drops down to offer the options of printing your application form to a printer, or generating a PDF which contains the application form plus any attached documents.

PDFs cannot be generated with Internet Explorer 8, but any more modern browser will work.

uri/../images/btn-delete.pngThe *Delete* button removes the application.
uri/../images/btn-save.pngThe *Save* button saves any changes you've made to your application so you can return later to edit or submit it
uri/../images/btn-submit.pngThe *Submit* button delivers your application to the institution with which you're associated, so it can be given administrative approval before being sent to the Auckland Medical Research Fellowship. You will receive an email notification when the application is sent to the CMRF.
uri/../images/btn-cancel.pngThe *Cancel* button closes the application without saving any changes you may have made.

If you can't find the information you need, please use the contact form at the bottom of this page to send an inquiry to the Canterbury Medical Research Foundation.

Dashboard | Applications | List all applications | Grant type filter | Funding round filter | Status filter | Page reload | Application process | Guides for application types | Don Beaven Travelling Fellowship | Project Grants | Summer Studentships | Travel Grants | Grants in Aid | MRI Scan Research | Dame Malvina Major Travelling Fellowship | Post Graduate Publishing Bursary | Project Grant Expression of Interest | Wine and Art Auction Grant | Earthquake Research Grant | Emerging Researcher Fellowship | Cardiac Researcher Fellowship Grant | Te Whatu Ora Emerging Research Grant | Create new application | List all grant reports | Personal options | Profile | Log out | Welcome | Messages